If you're interested in discussing the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence then you've come to the right place.
The Aurora Philosophy Club is a place where like-minded people can meet in a comfortable and inviting setting to discuss the deepest and most fundamental questions that affect us all. You do not have to be a professional philosopher to participate. Everyone is welcome. The only thing that you need to bring with you is curiousity, an open mind, and a desire to explore new ideas.
We meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month in the Aurora Public Library between 7 and 8:45 pm.
This is reminder that the next philosophy meeting will be held on Tuesday June 23 between 7-9 p.m. using Zoom. Here's the Zoom information you'll need to join the meeting:
For this meeting Howard Leznoff will do a presentation on the Social Construction of Reality. Here's a bit more on what you can expect in Howard's own words:
“Get Real! That’s the way the world works. That’s just the way it is.”
It’s obvious –on even momentary reflection-- that we move daily through a human-constructed world. Whether it’s in our workplaces or schools, kitchens, local parks, grocery stores, on roadways, online --even on remote hiking trails, at scenic look-outs or in campsites-- we can easily recognize our world as one that humans have constructed. This -- perhaps less obviously however-- includes not just the physical environments but also the cultural and “mental spaces” we inhabit .
In The Social Construction of Reality Thomas Berber and Peter Luckmann, explore the processes by which human-constructed worlds take on meaning and the character of “objective” realities, realities that appear more fixed, “massive” and “coercive” than they actually are.
In short, the writers examine how the “realities” that govern or circumscribe our lives and understandings are really more contingent and perhaps arbitrary than we might first imagine.
The next online Zoom meeting will be held on May 26 between 7 - 8:30 pm. For this meeting Vassili Kolomatski will present the ideas of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Given the nature of Nietzsche's ideas this promises to be a provocative and interesting presentation. To get you up and running on Nietzsche here's a lighthearted and short video from YouTube: