Aurora Agora Night -- October 22, 2019

Ronen Grunberg's picture

Hi Everyone,

On October 22nd the Aurora Philosophy Club will host the first Aurora Agora Night. As you may know the word Agora (pronounced ah-go-RAH) is Greek for 'open place of assembly' and, early in the history of Greece, designated the city's marketplace where citizens bought and sold goods, discussed politics, military campaigns, as well as philosophical ideas. Some of the most revered philosophers to frequent the Agora include Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

The idea underlying the Agora Night is to have members of the philosophy club volunteer to do a short presentation (no more than 10-15 minutes) on a subject that is of interest to them, and which has the potential to be discussed philosophically.

If you have an interest in doing a presentation, please send an email to with a brief description of what you'd like to do and you will be contacted with further information. Just so you know, the subject that you choose to present does not need to be explicitly philosophical. The idea is to generate conversation among club members and to let philosophical connections emerge through dialogue.

Looking forward to hearing from interested participants.


Ronen and the Aurora Philosphy Club Steering Committee