Aurora Philosophy Club Meeting Reminder -- November 26, 2019

Ronen Grunberg's picture

Hi Everyone,

This is a reminder that the next Aurora Philosophy Club meeting will be held on November 26 between 7-9 pm in the Multi-Use-Room (which is on the second floor) of the Aurora Public Library.

At the upcoming meeting we are honored to have Dr. Brenda Spotton, a professor of economics at York University, come speak to the club. We hope you can join us on what promises to be a fascinating discussion.
Here's a brief description from Dr. Spotton of what she'll be covering:

"The virtual absence of differentiated social location in social theorizing has critical implications for public policy. A grounding in models that assume individuals are simply “rational” beings, regardless of gender, race, and other markers of a social self, privileges naturalist assumptions and claims. For example, attempts by feminist economists to shine a light on non-marketed activities traditionally performed by women do so by suggesting we monetize the values of such contributions as caregiving. In this talk, we explore the implications of an interpretivist view of our material well-being that permits the construction of social reality as a challenge to the dominant view wherein theorizing and policy-making simply reflect on, and act within, an objective external reality."

Brenda Spotton Visano is Distinguished University Professor in Economics and Public Policy at York University. Her widely published interdisciplinary scholarship advances a heterodox perspective on macroeconomics and microfinance. Her passion for promoting access and diversity in theories, practices, and professional conduct in economics and finance lies at the core of her scholarly and professional engagements. Some of the questions that motivate this talk were originally explored in her scholarly publication “Gendering Post-Keynesian Monetary Macroeconomics with Situated Knowledge”

We are looking to have a great turnout for for what promises to be an excellent presentation so everyone is highly encouraged to attend.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 26th of November.


The Aurora Philosophy Club Steering Committee